How can I create reminders in bulk?

You can easily stay up to date with everyone's birthdays and other occasions with our reminder CSV bulk creation feature. Follow these steps if you want to create Reminders in bulk.

Step 1: Click the "Create from CSV" option from the home screen

Head to the reminders section of home screen, select the "Create Reminder" button dropdown and click "Create from .CSV" option.

Where to find the "Create from CSV" option

Step 2: Download and populate the CSV template

Click the link in the new window that pops up to download the CSV template file. You can also download it by clicking here. Using the template you can create up to 50 Reminders in bulk.

Example of a populated bulk reminder creation CSV file

In the template you can populate the following information for each reminder:

  • Name of the recipient.
  • Title of the Occasion you'll be celebrating, like "Happy Birthday".
  • Date of the occasion.
  • How far in advance of the occasion you'd like to be reminded. The options are:
    • 1 day before
    • 1 week before
    • 2 weeks before
    • 1 month before
  • Whether this is a recurring occasion - If yes, we'll send you a reminder every year - perfect for birthdays!

Step 3: Drag & drop your completed CSV file into the box

Once you've completed your CSV file, just drag it into the upload box. The system will quickly validate it and if it's all good, you can progress to the next step. If there are any errors in the file we'll let you know so you can fix them and try again.

Uploading your completed CSV file

You can now click the "Continue" button to progress to the next step.

Final step: Verify your Reminder list and create

In the final step you can quickly validate the details of the Reminders you'll be creating. When you're happy just click the "Create Now" button and you'll see your new Reminders on your dashboard list.

Verify your list before creating your Reminders

Pro tip: It's a good idea to have a Thankbox pack purchased when using Thankbox to send many cards at once since then you won't have to pay individually for each one.

Need finer grain control on your bulk created Reminders? Email us at and we'll be able to help you out.

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